For a complete Tesla motor vehicle purchase agreement, we accept the following combinations of documents:

  • 7-page Retail Installment Sale Contract


  • 3-page Tesla Lease Agreement
    • Note: occasionally these can be 4-5 pages in length


  • Both the Motor Vehicle Purchase Agreement: Final Price Sheet AND the Motor Vehicle Purchase Agreement: Vehicle Configuration*.
    • Please note these are two separate documents.

If the Vehicle Configuration does not have a date, please also submit one of the following documents:

  • A signed copy of the Delivery Declaration 


  • A signed copy of the Tesla Terms & Conditions

*The Vehicle Configuration must have a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and have a date next to the “Accepted by Customer on” line. 

These documents need to be signed and dated by the applicant and a Tesla representative.

To view samples of acceptable Tesla supporting documents, please visit: